Susquehanna University, PA
Students were intrigued by the topic and manner in which the content was presented. They also really appreciated the complexity of each of the characters presented. It made them more realistic, thus students could see themselves or see people they knew in the characters. The value for students is that it encourages them to easily access, analyze, and challenge the world we live in and the part we each play in helping to facilitate, enable, or dismantle this system of oppression.
-Christiana Paradis
Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women Program Coordinator
This program effectively presents consent and doesn't leave much room for incorrect ideas about consent. I think this should be presented to everyone on campus. - Erin, Sophomore
I found the list of quotes from politicians in power speaking about sexual assault particularly interesting - it speaks alot about our society. -Lauren, Junior
My favorite character was the theatre professor who talked about campus rape and settlements. And I loved the first time the candles were used. It provided a sense of hope through activism. -Will, Freshman
It would be great to bring this show back to further educate people. -Stefanie, Freshman
I really liked the bit about the 3rd grader- it brought hope out in an otherwise dark situation. It lets you look forward to a new generation. Very well written and starts the conversation about a topic that's hard to address. - Matthew, Freshman
The one woman show was an interesting setup. After all, each of these characters could look like anyone. It takes away the possibility of accidentally stereotyping roles with race and gender. - Kaitlyn, Freshman
Psychologist who was writing a book but didn't want to speak at the trial - I enjoyed hearing her research on the concept of rape. - Mark, post-grad
I liked the woman who opened the play and held the vigil and rally. She was a voice for change. Great art form to keep students engaged. - Emily, Junior
The lawyer was my favorite because she knew the law, how hard it would be for the victim and how hard the case would be to win because of rape culture, but she was determined to at least try. The protest was passionate and shows how people try in small ways which grow into bigger movements. Showed a part of history that has enacted change. - Angelica, Sophomore
I liked the statistics throughout the show - especially from the Professor. - Samantha, Sophomore
Journalist delivered strong messages. - Yumi, Senior
The closing scene was my favorite because she was fighting for women she barely knows or doesnt know at all. She portrayed confidence and bravery and passion. - Jenna, Junior
Thought-provoking - made me evaluate our society and the possibility of rape being eradicated. - Sam, Junior
Talking about it and education really is the only way progress can be made. Favorite part what how such minor details of the characters held them back from really making a difference. - Jordan, Sophomore
Favorite: Prosecutor because she gave alot of insight on what cases really seem like today. Very interesting to see different perspectives on this topic and was especially uniquely displayed. - Haley, Sophomore
Nuanced perspective and explores the wide array of responses to violence against women as well as the importance in stopping it. - Courtney, Senior
University of Puget Sound, WA
“Intrusion” is Qurrat Kadwani’s impactful and passionate one-woman tour-de-force performance which defies its simple description, - eradicating rape - and leaves a lasting impression on all audiences in this age of heightened MeToo awareness. Intrusion is timely and can be a part of any menu for any community seeking to promote consciousness of how personal power - and weakness – can play into one’s perspective of sexual harassment and victimization. You don’t leave this performance, because it stays with you.
-Serni Solidarios
Director of Student Programs
If more people can see programming like this, then maybe people will have a better understanding and grasp on how much of a problem it is. - Maya, Senior
My favorite character is the theatre professor - I enjoyed their energy and the passion behind their knowledge. They encouraged me. - Chloe, Sophomore
I enjoyed the newscaster character because it addressed the issue of the truth. - Nayra, Junior
In terms of a social commentary, I think texts based around a story are an excellent mode of communication. - Adreanna, Freshman
Interesting way to present rape and statistics in our society. Thank you for having the characters speak so bluntly about rape. - Olivia, Sophomore
Daytrader is my favorite: self-contained narrative arc, many layers to character (we see mask, face, soul), interesting traits (dancing, drinking, occupation.) More impactful than traditional sessions. - Jack, Senior
I thought that the part with the child was impactful. Children are aware and they gain too much false information from the media that is riddled with sexual violence. - Quinn, Junior
I truly love this show - needs to be seen. All too often this type of art is swept under the rug, thank you for bringing it forward. - Carly, Senior
Important and powerful to educate people about this issue in multiple formats. - Ellen, Senior
Eastern Arizona College
Excellent, relevant, sobering - and much needed.
-Todd Haynie
I learned how serious this problem is. - Patricia, Freshman
I learned about things I didn't know about our government and nation. - Katie, Freshman
The one who couldn't sleep at night - the one who saw the girl crying. That person had a good heart to care. - Kean, Freshman
I think it helps people broaden their perspective. - Kallee, Freshman
Strong message about rape. - Andrea, Freshman
Factual, entertaining, and funny. - Dalton, Sophomore
Favorite was the psychologist because she explained why rape happens or theories of why it happens. Brings awareness to college students and educate them. - Brianna, Freshman
I enjoyed all the statistics stated. This show has informed me about my society and all the views of sexual harrassment. - Carmen, Freshman
Opens our eyes to realize whats going on in the world. - Autum, Freshman
Favorite was the reporter because she talked about how rape developed and how people didn't really know about it during the different years going by. - Hailey, Freshman
Gives good reasons and explains in detail about rape. A good eye opener. - Krystyna, Freshman
The ending protestor made it clear we can all make a difference. - Katie, Freshman
The 3rd grade scene because I liked that they were teaching them about consent young. - Karina, Freshman
I think it is good to get the issues of rape out into the world. - Sadie, Sophomore
My favorite part was when the 3rd grader said his speech. It's crazy how a 3rd grader can speak highly on how to treat others, be nice, etc. Teaches us not to be blind to what is going on in the world. - Alyssa, Sophomore
Each character was an important influence on the message. You truly are an amazing person! - Celica, Freshman
I love this play. Alot of people think that rape isn't a big deal, that it's not important to learn about. My favorite part was when she gave us ways to get away and when she informed us about Title 9. - Hope, Junior
Boys and girls are equal, Real men don't hurt women - favorite lines. - Marisa, Freshman
My favorite character was the guy at the bar drinking. Even though he was drunk, he still understood what consent is. - Shy, Freshman
Favorite: The 3rd grader because he brought up LGBTQ+ and all the genders. - Kammiila, Freshman
My favorite part was where she mentioned how the mind may not want it even if the body does. It mentioned how important consent is and how you should have continuous consent. - Linda, Freshman
S. I. N. G - didn't know about this...very helpful. "The first step to change is admitting the truth." Very blunt production and got us thinking. - Bailey, Freshman
I liked the whole show because I learned alot about rape. - Yasmine, Freshman
I loved the crowd interaction. I have recently been going through something with a girl - I really needed this. - Anonymous, Freshman
I love the Protestor who is fighting for everyone. - Felicia, Freshman
The ending because it made everyone feel safe. - Melissa, Sophomore
Favorite part was Lesson #1 you have to have consent. - Kalia, Freshman
The facts that were shared - some people might have never heard them before or ever. - Jamie, Sophomore
Favorite: the lawyer who was trying to get justice. - Brooke, Freshman
The witness, she gave me hope for a better world. - Shelby, Sophomore
I liked when they shed light on the political side, explaining what politicians thought of these sexual assault programs. - Ashley, Freshman
My favorite character to learn from is the stockbroker because he shows how people are affected by harrassment. - Mariah, Senior
When the kid was saying all the things he wasn't supposed to because I feel like that represents the people who are silenced but have so much to say. Very eye-opening. I'm glad I came and not just because of the extra-credit. - Jaiden, Freshman
Very informative but I thought it was inspiring too. - Nora, Senior
More people should view this. - Tyler, Freshman
Awareness and knowledge can help stop things from happening. - Corrie, Freshman
Cochise College (Douglas Campus), Arizona
This is the type of presentation that gets students to think a bit deeper about their overall actions and how every day they have the opportunity to help our society move away from this accepted rape culture that has been created.
-Jennifer Tagaban
Director of Residential & Student Life
In a world where rape is such a big problem, this type of play can inform people on how to prevent rape. - Pedro, Sophomore
You played every role wonderfully! We all need to be reminded on how important it is to stop rape all around this world! - Steven, Sophomore
I appreciated the fact that male rape was recognized and addressed. Thank you for trying to make a difference. - Kira, Freshman
My fav was the Protestor. They show the importance of acting when you see something. - Samantha, Freshman
My favorite part was when the politician was stating those facts about power as we talked about that topic in my Soc 101 class. - Jimmy, Freshman
Taught me things that I didn't know - I think everyone should watch this and learn from it. - Isiah, Freshman
Politician character was my favorite because it shows how people rape in that category get elected or can run for things. - Justin, Sophomore
I enjoyed the beginning and then to see the progression of the first character's initiative to make change was cool. - Steven, Senior
Favorite character: News reporter because she wanted to raise awareness for rape. - Elliott, Senior
I liked the candlelight vigil because it was powerful. - McKenna, Freshman
My fav was the elementary kid because it is important at a young age to know that No means No. - Breanne, Freshman
I was raped. This is so important to me. - CP, Junior
My fav: The protestor because she was standing up for other women that keep rape in silence. - Isabel, Freshman
My fav: Scientist character - the facts that were displayed were shocking. - Sasha, Freshman
Good for any and every college to see. - Jamaal, Freshman
My fav: Male daytrader - toxic masculinity visualized - you mastered that scene. It was powerful. - Aaliyah, Freshman
Cochise College (Sierra Vista Campus), Arizona
Favorite part was when you were sharing actual statistics because it was real. - Osbaldo, US Army
Effective training - full of info while entertaining. - Centoria, US Army
Showing us gender relations today from an outside perspective - the future- removes some of our biases and excuses. - Alex, US Army
The different perspectives and scenes allow for more individuals to understand and help become advocates. - Jacob, US Army
Fav character: The college student that was so lost yet went into action right away. - Jorge, US Army
The conclusion of the performances was a great culmination of ideas and emotions that drove home the intent. - Stephen, US Army
Amazing way to get the point across while keeping the audience engaged. - Skylar, US Army
Favorite part: the female standing up for the woman who was raped even though she didn't know her - she did the right thing. Peter, US Army
Fav character: The male because it shows a not always shown perspective on male rape victims and the struggle they face. - Alexis, US Army
Fav part: The plot as a whole and the dynamic feeling. I was extremely impressed. - Tommy, US Army
The Attorney was my favorite character because she understood the reality but realized that the reality needed to change. - Alexia, Freshman
I cried. Thank you for coming here. - Emily, Grad
Pima Community College, Arizona
The drama instructor was my favorite because she has a great message and taught me a bit about Title 9 and some current issues surrounding rape culture in schools/administration. - Angela, Staff
I want students / teachers/staff to see this - we all need this. - Rod, Staff
I appreciated you portraying a male rape and how the body responds even if the mind is horrified. - Shawn, Staff
I loved it all. It gave many perspectives on the issue /topic of rape and it gave an insight of what could happen and what can be done. - Manuel, Freshman
It was a great play - I learned alot about rape. - Anahi, Sophomore
Chaffey College (Chino Campus), CA
The shows and Ms. Kadwani were outstanding and very well received. It is our hope to have her back on campus in the future.
-Eric Bishop, Vice President of Student Services
The show was deep. The actress was truly amazing and I'm grateful for being here to see it. - Jackie
If there isn't this type of programming, people will never understand what really happens. - Rachel
My favorite character was the girl who witnessed the girl who went into the hospital. It shows that rape damages not only the victim but also others. - Darlene
I liked how it was different and entertaining. It wasn't just a boring lecture. - Casey
My favorite character is the activist because it showed that there is always something you can do even if it is small. - Merina
My favorite character is the theatre teacher because she tells the audience ways people are silenced with settlements. She also informed the audience about consent and gender. - Courtney
I want to thank the college for having this program in this school. - Yolanda
Thank you so much for this. I know a couple of people dear to me that have gone through this - I appreciate this very much. - Alexander
My favorite character was the politician who viewed rape as a financial crisis. Very moving and heart-dropping. - Yolatus
I loved how you made some of the characters contradict themselves at the end of their parts. - Gilbert
I learned so much and its very relevant to the current time. - Arel
Fav part: the vigil - the candles were cool and it was like I was there. - Burhan
Chaffey College (Fontana Campus), CA
She did an amazing job at switching characters and showing their perspectives! - Karla
My favorite character was the first one - she wanted justice. - Aide
Thank you - I felt like I was a part of it. - Marisa
This is how you get people to speak up and not be afraid. - Amber
I loved it - it was such an eye-opener. - Maria
Chaffey College (Rancho Campus), CA
Favorite character was the little boy because only children make it seem so simple that men and women are equal but once they are older, gender roles take over. - Sabrina
Favorite part is when the audience finds out that this is taking place in the future. - Stephanie
Favorite part was legal because she was talking about stuff I had no idea about. - Jesse
Astounding, absolutely enlightening. - Charmaine
Made me feel connected and want to really show alot more about awareness. - Judith
My favorite character was the 3rd grader. Since I have children that age, it makes me wonder what messages I am communicating to them. - Adrienne
The poetic prose and powerful delivery was wonderful. - Monique
I loved it - when the guy appears and talks about the time in high school when his body was aroused but his mind was not. - Courtney
Very meaningful and impactful. Thank you so much for representing the truth. - Sandra
Our campus needed this. - Mark
Crucial to receive the info conveyed and the creative delivery allows learners of all types to benefit. - Adam
Olivet College, MI
Q is terrific. The show was great. She's great.
-Cea Noyes
Director of Women's Resource Center
Chair, Social Sciences
Favorite: News reporter because of all the facts that I found out about all kinds of rape cases and mindblowing statistics. - Austin, Sophomore
Favorite: The school scene because of the facts. It really put things in perspective for me. _ Brionne, Freshman
Very shocking and eye-opening. - Breana, Freshman
Great show. I loved her passion. - Destiny, Freshman
The end was very moving. - Danielle, Senior
My favorite part was when the newscaster entered. This is because I recognized my calling as well, by wanting to develop change in extremely touchy situations. - Kyrie, Senior
Favorite: Prosecutor because the truth behind it was so real. I would not mind seeing it again. - Noah, Freshman
I absolutely love this! I love all the statistics and the eye-opening facts from real stories. - Rachel, Senior
So real and so honest. Amazing job! I hope you come back! - Brittany, Junior
Makes me feel less alone. - Elayna, Freshman
Favorite: When the activist knocks the tower down, it's a strong realization and conclusion. - Delaney, Freshman
The 3rd grader offered good comic relief. - Abigale, Junior
Powerful words! Makes you understand the reality of the world. - Nataliya, Senior
Kept it very interesting by switching into many characters throughout the play. - Ronald, Freshman
I enjoyed the politician character. He initially seemed to understand the issue, but then his true colors showed. The ending was shocking. - Grace, Sophomore
The dancing made me laugh, all of the show was pretty good. - Samantha, Junior
I love the stream of consciousness that exists in the dialogue of the first character. I am grateful to have a chance to view this play. - Jack, Junior
Hostos Community College, NY
This program should be implemented in all colleges, schools and organizations. - Rebecca
This is the type of programming that we should have in every college - it's empowering. - Keyso
Honestly, I liked the play from beginning to end. I was very engaged. - Danilsa
Favorite part: The Rap! Nice to have something lighthearted for an intense play. - Brittany
Favorite part: The protest and then the silence after. Very poignant. - Jeff
My favorite part was the beginning explaining how much you care about hearing a girl say rape. - Brianna
My favorite part was the end because her message was very powerful and made me feel as though I should step up and say something, not only about rape, but other issues. - Matthew
My favorite part was when she raised the Justice sign and started chanting because the audience got to chant along with her character. - Kimberly
The theatre teacher inspired me in acting class to pick a scene that can make a statement to put out for the audience that they can learn from or relate to. - Evelisse
Great cover on the news - great all around show! - Alex
I just love it! - Deymi
SUNY Purchase
I felt the most connected to the protestor - I was moved by the amount of passion and hope that drove her to take action, which anyone can do. Thank you for creating conversation about this topic that needs to be highlighted. I have always cared but you have inspired me to take more action. - Emily, Senior
My favorite part was with the politician because what he was saying was stuff I haven't heard much of. Captivating! Also the activist is the most relatable to me, the feeling of caring about an issue even if it hadn't happened to me. - Stephanie, Sophomore
I honestly think that freshmen would enjoy this or even would learn things that could impact their college experience. Please keep doing what you are doing - I know that with this you are making a change. - Walter, Senior
I'm so glad the show mentioned unwanted arousal and that rape can happen to anyone, even men. Well-rounded and powerful! - Abby, Senior
Favorite: The original witness of the survivor entering the hospital - she made sure the woman got the help she needed and resisted the temptation to be a bystander. Education in this passionate, watchable art form in incredibly useful for inspiring people to take action. - Erik, Sophomore
I did enjoy the reporter's role in this because it shows how the media gets so involved and how it gets people to come out and finally get the little bit of justice. Very well written and inviting! - Yashe, Senior
Favorite: The reporter and daytrader because it was gradually revealing how vulnerable they were. What a tremendous talent! - Joaquin, Junior
Great reflection of society! - TaNesha, Sophomore
Favorite: The story of the daytrader and sexual assault. It showed how some people surpress what has happened to them and how men are also victims - that needs to be discussed. - Taylor, Senior
It was great to see every side to a tragic event. Theater holds the power to make an audience see the truth in their realities. - Andrada, Sophomore
I relate well to stories and characters. They help me invest heavily into a topic while also being informative. I also appreciated the talkback afterwards and seeing the real comprehensive knowledge on the subject. - Jaimie, Sophomore
What happens to the jenga is like Chekhov. Brilliant! Using the power and connectivity of theatre to share this message is so valuable. I love theatrical activism. - Nadia, Senior
Easy to follow, absolutely amazing, so informative and captivating. I want more! - Leeza, Sophomore
Favorite: the way the psychologist knew exactly what to say but didn't want to say it - their pride mattered more. - Francis, Sophomore
Favorite: the perspective and simple explanation of "No is No." - Vernon, Junior
Genius and starts a discussion. - Ezekiel, Sophomore
Favorite: elementary student. Sometimes school faculty tries to avoid topics such as rape but it is so important for people to be honest about serious occurrences. - Andrew, Sophomore
Amazing - favorite was when they were talking about how men "in the past" were able to get away with rape because of their celebrity/monetary status and value. - Janelle, Sophomore
People react differently to a performance than a lecture. It sticks and settles in people. - Malachai, Sophomore
Favorite: The psychologist that talked about what causes humans to react the way they do. The best way to fix a problem is to understand what causes a problem. - Francesco, Senior
So powerful and meaningful. The politician knew so much and had all the knowledge of sexual violence in history but turned out to be the most sexually advancing - such an astonishing way to look at it. - Marc, Junior
The child pointed out the obvious: that no one was talking about what was actually happening. - Emily, Sophomore
I loved the switch from character to character. It was very smooth and kept me at the edge of my seat. - Armando, Junior
New York Institute of Technology (Male Athletics)
Very interesting and very different. - Collins
More entertsining than normal lessons about rape. - Bernan, Grad
Favorite: The vigil because it was a very powerful moment. - Anonymous
I liked how everything tied together with the jenga blocks. - Martin, Senior
Better than a presentation. - Derick, Freshman
Great performance! - Salvador, Junior
The news anchor because she said alot of info through the years of rape. - Belmin, Sophomore
Favorite: Witness - powerful message. Appealing to the audience. - Diego, Freshman
I've never experienced it and it's like watching an intense movie, but live. I've never seen a good actor live but I do know what one is like now. -Rexhep, Freshman
Favorite: Doctor talking about all the theories. - Mattheus, Freshman
Favorite: 3rd grader - he summed up the whole lesson. - Heidi, Junior
Favorite: The character that was part of the community going to put lights for the victims. I iked the attitude that she had. - Victor, Senior
Creates a different dynamic to the sexual harrassment problem. It is very up to date and progressive. She even taught how to defend yourself. - Simon, Senior
Favorite: The news reporter because she was proving the point on hose rape gets brought up to the public. -Louis, Junior
Favorite: When they talked about the money involved, it showed how money is more important than morals, respect and huuman values. - Stephanie, Freshman
New Jersey City University
Awesome! All relevant content and very informative. - Beatriz, community rep from Rape Crisis Center
The show was perfectly written and performed! I absolutely loved each and every character - opens a different discussion which is very important to know. - Laba, Senior
Favorite part: prosecutor statistics - very often these statistics don't take up headline news anywhere. - Emiliano, Freshman
Empowering and great to watch such talent. - Tracy, Grad
Favorite part; the protest scenes - these parts are inspiring to those who wish to be advocates. - Suzette, Grad
Fuses performance art and activism that affects college students worldwide. The performer is amazing! - Michi, Junior
The more people see this, the more aware they will be. I loved it!!! - Christopher, Freshman
University of Texas - El Paso
I really enjoyed this show - it was very eye-opening and educational about sexual assault. - Astrid, Freshman
My favorite character was the child because they were so aware of the violence. - Haley, Freshman
When the politician was talking, it shocked me - it is a topic that should be talked about, a good way to bring awareness. - Vania, Sophomore
These are issues that are affection all of us whether we know it or not, whether we want to admit it or not. - Eric, Junior
I loved all the facts with the politician and psychologist. - Angelina, Senior
Educational, stirring and entertaining. - Evi, Junior
My favorite character was the prosecutor for fighting for justice while being in a hard spot. Helps create consciousness and awareness. - Guillermo, Junior
Favorite - day trader - highlights a very real situation of victim to perpetrator. Fascinating. - Alex Junior
Great show - I loved every minute, this was powerful and that's the arts we need. - Randi, Freshman
St. Edward's University, Texas
Many of our student athletes attended and the message made such an impact that students were motivated to act through this campus event. Qurrat made this more about people than statistics and events that could only happen to someone else.
-Melinda Terry
Title IX Deputy
Senior Associate Director of Athletics
By the transition to the third character - the lawyer - it became clear how hard it is for victims of sexual assault/harrassment to speak up and why. At the same time, your show was phenomenal in the way that you easily incorporated info about these issues. A systemic problem requires systemic multi-faceted responses, and that's why your show is so great - because it gives us all sides of the issue. - Chase, Junior
My favorite part was all the statistics and facts that were mentioned throughout. - Andrea, Senior
The first character was my favorite because it shows an ordinary person can be a leader. - Victoria, Freshman
This show is something that everyone should be required to see. - Gillian, Freshman
Gets you thinking more than just the generic workshop or lecture. - Cody, Junior
Creative and powerful way to spread information and educate people - amazing production! - Lexi, Junior
Favorite character: the politician - gave a lot of insight into how/why our leaders put rape on the back burner. - Chloe, Freshman
Favorite character: The lawyer because she was really empowering. - Desiree, Freshman
I really like the ending and the message it has. - Johana, Junior
This performance was absolutely incredible and eye-opening! - Zach, Senior
Palm Beach State College, FL
College students are developing their concepts of normal behavior. We need to help them to understand that sexual assault is not normal behavior. The show kept students attention - not only did they learn, but they were also entertained. Learning takes place in many forms and yours was exceptional!
-Angela Allen
Student Activities Manager
I believe that this should be part of every college campus to inform people on the seriousness of rape. - Lucas
I think having shows about social issues is important and gives knowledge that we all should be aware of. - Shannon
Phenomenal show! - Yohan
Every part was good - it touched tons of hearts and mine. - Bryan
More more more!! This needs to be shown more! - Baudeline
Favorite part was when the politician talks about the double standards and economic relationship with rape - very intriguing and deep. - Zion
Favorite character was the social justice leader; her determination to make a change. - Genesis
I loved it - this also inspired me to think about becoming an actress. - Kiara
Favorite character was the student insisting that we are all equal. - Rashana
Our nation has a long way to go. Plays like this are necessary to bring awareness and move forward. We are all touched by sexual assault even if we are unaware. - Autumn
Favorite part is the end - shows that everyone deserves to be involved and taught about the issue, including self-defense. - Anthony
Brilliant - The person standing up for everyone was my favorite. - Allan
Love this show - would love to see it again. - Mark
My favorite character was the person who was selfless and was prepared to fight for something bigger than herself. - Robbi
My favorite part was the stocks guy talking about his experience with rape and questioning it because of society's norms thinking that guys can't be raped. - Jana
We need this show - more awareness is needed. - David
Albany State University (Athletics), GA
This development initiative was important for the student athlete because of the seriousness of the topics discussed and without the proper education it could lead to life altering consequences. Being able to have the opportunity to share this with our student athletes is valuable.
-Jacqueline Nicholson
Associate Athletics Director
I liked that the representation of the Jenga blocks was society and other factors leading to rape. So once they were knocked down, it was like a weight was lifted, knowing that I can make a change - Alani
Captivating, inspiring, amazing performance and I was entranced throughout. It was such an important act. - Megan
My favorite part was seeing the transition of the woman with no hope, lost and unsure, transform into a woman with a voice, gain confidence and fight for another woman. - Jordan
This show helps us grasp the reality of rape. - Serian
Favorite character was the college student - someone who is on our level and showing us how we could make a stand too. - Jenna
Very insightful and a cool way to learn. - Kyle
Favorite character was the professor because while I knew Title IX was about sexual harassment, I didn't clearly know what it was. - Ronnie
Playing every character with different thoughts and perspectives gave me a greater sense of feeling and concern. - Chase, Junior
Educates in different ways. - Reagan, Sophomore
This was AMAZING- seriously, you need to go viral. - Kendyl, Sophomore
Seeing all the views of each character. It showed that anyone can be a victim. - Jordyn, Freshman
Favorite character was the lawyer - goes into the intricacies of a broken judicial system. Info though the arts is highly effective at gaining attention of millenials. - Abhinav, Junior
Helps young adults know that they are not alone and more victims shouldn't be so insecure about telling their story. - Lavette
Opens many people's eyes. - Quin, Freshman
The show was good, and it was good enough to see it again. - Lauren, Junior
Austin College, Texas
Intrusion exceeded our expectations and specifically Q was amazing and interactive in the Q&A. The show moved quickly with seamless transitions between the characters. The students remained engaged during the entire performance. Several students indicated that this program should be incorporated into the mandatory freshman orientation completed each Fall.
-Liz Washington
Program Coordinator RoosREACT
This was powerful! - Ysabel, Senior
Wow, just wow. I liked the incorporation of male sexual assault especially with the confusion of being aroused while being assaulted. - Martha, Junior
This is more effective than the skits I've seen regarding this freshman year. I really wish this could be seen on other campuses or TV. This is more informative than the stuff they made us participate in at the beginning of college. - Chandler, Junior
I loved the analytical thought process followed by both the Journalist and Politician. My favorite part was the explanation of Title IX and facts I didn't really know about. I absolutely love all the facts that were shared and also the economical facts and SING technique. - Larry, Freshman
My favorite was the Theatre Professor for the statistics and the on campus reality. More people need to hear this message. - Anna, Junior
I really enjoyed the third grader. It is important to show that these ideas start young. - Mason, Junior
I really enjoyed it. I'm glad I decided to come. - Nadia, Sophomore
It shows so many perspectives and it does so looking at our current situations. The Daytrader shows the cycle of abuse - he was assaulted in the past and did the same to someone else. - Maddie, Junior
The protestor was my favorite because she was passionate, the person I could most easily relate to. Made me feel like I could help. I loved it, especially being able to see the cyclical nature of rape. - Amber, Senior
I liked how the student who started the movement was changed, really a dynamic character. I liked how the Jenga set was a symbol that was up for interpretation. It felt significant each time a piece was moved. -Dylan, Freshman
I really enjoyed this play. This campus needs to be educated!! The ending was my favorite because what you were saying was very strong and powerful. - Iris, Freshman
I liked how every character reveals a lapse in knowledge or education. The book writer scene was my favorite. The irony that a major expert in the field wouldn't want to do anything. - Hallie, Junior
I think that this is a great way to bring awareness to the younger audience. It kept everyone engaged. I would love to hear that more colleges are doing this. - Victoria, Sophomore
University of North Carolina at Greensboro, NC
Makes it more entertaining when its a show than if someone would just have a lecture. - Pernilla, Freshman
A story with real eye-opening facts. - Jevon, Sophomore
If more people see programming like this, it could decrease the rape percentage. - Jordan, Freshman
I loved the WHOLE thing. - Quiqui, Junior
Favorite was Daytrader since he shows anyone can be a victim. - Thomas, Sophomore
Very knowledgeable and important. - William, Junior
Brings you in and you relate to the feelings of the characters. Well thought out and executed. - Colin, Freshman
Important issue to address - great show. - Joseph, Sophomore
Reporter - really shows what the press has to cover and all the areas and perspectives they have to consider during the process. - MIchaela, Freshman
All of it was amazing. - Brandon, Sophomore
All of the stats and facts are so good - entertaining and held people's attention but also was very important and relevant. - Nicole, Sophomore
3rd grader reiterates how we are taught No means No from a young age and it's such a basic concept but so many people ignore it. - Abby, Junior
Acting was great and the amount of work put into the show was evident and impressive. - Natalie, Sophomore
I liked hearing from the prosecutor because I think it was really important to highlight our justice system. I really like that you decided to connect with the audience intellectually. - Rachel, Sophomore
I enjoyed the way you brought the story back to the jenga puzzle as a structure that can be built again. - Tori, Senior
My favorite part was the professor going through Title IX and how people such as student athletes are held to a higher standard. - Cienna, Senior
Overall I thought the analogies were very impactful. I really thought it was important to hear so many sides of how rape culture impacts so many professions. - Bre, Junior
Favorite character was the woman that was protesting - she said a line about how when people remain silent about important things, everybody loses. - Lex, Senior
More engaging way of learning and easy to learn from/follow. - Jacob, Senior
Love the genius and creativity behind this show. - Ciera, Senior
The Girl who became a social justice leader shows that anyhone can help and have a voice. - Emily, Senior
Increases awareness of gender inequality and sexual assault on college campuses. - Stephanie, Sophomore
The child was my favorite - I believe hate is taught - should teach acceptance early. - Caroline, Sophomore
Very impactful - the arts are very important for raising social awareness and enacting social change. - Weston, Junior
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
"Rape, attack, we won't go back" was my favorite part because it conveys a strong message. - Alexandria, Sophomore
Favorite part was the theater professor because I agree that self-defense class is important to everyone. - Daniela, Junior
10/10 - amazing! - Tamaira, Senior
This show is well thought out and put together. - Aimee, Junior
I liked the third grader- he was able to teach us more about the issues in a way that was entertaining and educational. - Raven, Senior
Ms. Kadwani played a very powerful role. You moved me a lot internally and I enjoyed every bit of it. I would like to see more so that I can do my part in standing up and protecting women. - Jonathan, Freshman
The whole thing just did an amazing job at addressing everything it needed to without directly attacking the audience but making many things clear. - Olivea, Senior
Favorite character was the narrator - I liked how passionate they were. - Bella, Sophomore
Captivating - so much passion! - Alex, Senior
Favorite part was the discussion of Title IX. A lot of people don't know about Title IX. - Julia, Junior
Favorite character was the politician because it shows how politics intertwines with rape culture. - Ann, Freshman
Incredibly powerful presentation that needs to be brought to attention - amazing. - Arianne, Freshman
Carthage College, WI
I think it's rare to hear a young male perspective as a victim and I think it's valuable that you mention that his body was turned on but he knew he didn't want it. I've never really heard that. - Sophie, Sophomore
Very powerful - shows a multitude of views and perspectives to rape culture. - Dana, Women and Children's Horizons Victim Advocate
It's perfection! It brings awareness to the problems our world faces and doesn't only focus on 1 perspective but on 8 personalities. - Siobhan, Freshman
My favorite part was the ending because of the powerful message. - Liz, Sophomore
Loved it! The college professor, the 3rd grader, and the activist! - Maribel, Faculty
Favorite part was the Politician who wanted his assistant to please him because people don't realize that people feel they need to sexually please their superiors in order to keep jobs. - Sara, Junior
Favorite was the first character who witnesses the hospital incident and becomes a social activist. It's so common and inspiring. - Giovanni, Senior
It's cool to watch a show that is written and performed by a single woman, especially on such a relevant topic. - Anna, Junior
I loved the use of Jenga to show people how everyone who ignores these problems stacks up. You are wonderful! - Ashley, Senior
I got chills when the activist-student character began marching with the chant/song about halfway through. - Emma, Senior
Riverside City College, CA
Powerful and needs to be heard, - Larissa
I am a survivor of rape. Very touching and motivational. - Lai
My favorite character is the student whose awareness about rape grew because as she was learning, so was I. - Karina
I will keep S.I.N.G in mind. I will talk with my 10 year old this evening. Gave me great insight. - Rosalina
Raises awareness. It also lights fires under our butts to do something! -Stella
Important to see all the systems in play and what we can do in our power to stop it. - Elena
So creative and smart. True and impactful about the effects on a generational level. - Mercedes
Favorite character was the child - genuine, honest, I connected. - John
Favorite character is the college student. I love how she stands up for her, for them, for all over because it's happening. - Maura
Telling these stories helps us all think about our actions. I appreciate being shown how we all perpetuate this system and how we can change. - Joey
This type of drama with a message strikes such a chord among all I believe. - Ricardo
Acting was touching. My favorite character is the girl who led the vigil because she was genuinely concerned. - Genesis
Favorite character was the Politician because it showed the role capitalism plays in maintaining oppressive structures. We don't call that out enough. - Wendy
Favorite character was the Reporter - I liked the portrayal of willful exploitation mixed with reporting. Felt accurate. - Larry
I think it is key to address society as a whole. This shows the ripple effect of a single rape. Very empowering. - Diana
The Daytrader was the most thought-provoking and the character that made me the most uncomfortable which I see as a good thing. Good writing. - Erick
My favorite were all 8 characters because I learned valuable lessons and something to be kept in mind for future references. - Jorge
Wilmington College, OH
Favorite was the protesting part, because it is showing how we need to take action for rape justice. - Anna, Freshman
Very eye-opening about sexual violence - I LOVED IT!! - Andrea, Freshman
Favorite part is where the author is explaining why rape occurs, I think it was just very interesting from a science perspective. - Caden, Freshman
I believe the theatrical aspect makes it more realistic and focused. - Logan, Freshman
Helps me be more aware of things. - Miah, Freshman
Favorite was the protestor: I see myself in her as a normal girl that wants change. - Janese, Freshman
The jenga structure comparison was strong. - Casey, Freshman
Favorite was the Prosecutor because they thought it was a hard case but still tackled it. - Katie, Freshman
Favorite was the teacher - gave many facts I didn't know. - Anna, Freshman
Favorite was the bystander because she wanted to help a person she never met. - Zach, Freshman
Favorite was the news reporter and how she was so eager to get the rape case out. Amazing job, very talented! - Brennen, Freshman
Ohlone College, CA
10/10! I loved it. - Julia
This program taught me one thing - No means No. - Sahil
As a victim of sexual assault, I appreciate the level of awareness on this scale. - Savannah
It got me excited and engaged! - Rahul
My favorite character was the student who felt the need to use her voice and her soul to come forward and stand up for those victimized. - Claire
Empowering people to speak up. Very brave and everyone's right to seek justice. - Kim
Super impressed by research, current events, rulings, statements regarding rape: the culture is still alive today and we must stop it! - Alejandra
My favorite part was when the guy shared his experience of rape because I never really heard of something like that happening to a man even though I know it happens. - Jacqueline
I became so much more aware about he topic of rape than I was before. The little boy who talked about consent made me realize that we need to start teaching kids young. - Harleen
It was amazing! I loved it all. The passion - you can see it throughout. - Marianna
Entertaining and informative! - Adrian
Sends a really powerful message! - Vikram
I really liked the part where the news anchor stated facts. - Melani
I like the symbolism of the Jenga tower being this perfect Utopia of a culture/world without rape. - Taylor
My favorite part was when the theatre teacher talked about all the previous cases. - Emily
I liked the role of the psychologist because she mentioned viewpoints I had never thought of. Very eye-opening! - Alyssa
It is a really great show that speaks out the voice of the minorities. We need our voice to be heard more widely so that that problem could be solved. - Chi-Ying
It was amazing because it shows the reality of different parts of the issue. - Omar
The segment with the presidential character - I thought it was a unique insight on the way that certain types of coercive rape occur and are wrongly not regarded as "real" rape. - Dilavar
Favorite was the part where the lawyer was taking on the rape case and stressed over all the small details because it really reflected rape culture realities. - Tamra
Amazing actress and highly talented, Her dedication is visible throughout. - Syed
California State University San Marcos
Needs to be mandatory. - Kylyn
The first character is extremely powerful. - Ariana
I like that its set in the future and that it shows if rape goes away and no one talks about it does not mean it goes away. - Bria
The lawyer scene shines light on the broken system. - Andy
The psychologist is a POV you don't get in the media. - Gabby
We can draw meaning from it without it beating us over the head. - Daniel
I love this play and I wish this was a requirement for all students. - Jill
The scene with the lady explaining her research - it was very engaging. Really impressed with your range and writing!- Aaron
The ally was so selfless and sacrificed so much for others. I aspire to be like that. - Nicky
I like the daytrader scene because we thought that he would be a predator but he was a victim as well. - Carlo
This was amazing. The topics are real and hard to approach but necessary. - Akemi
Favorite was the 3rd grader because it showed the simplicity of consent. - Maritza
I've gone to other live events that talk about this subject, but this one got me. - Cirenia
Inspiring! The vigil and showing protesting and activism in the community. - Izzy
Thought-provoking and entertaining! - Jenna
You are right. We can educate about rape without showing it. Thank you! Very talented! - Anna
Wilmington College, OH
Each time people hear about these issues, it makes things better. - Jordan
These are things that everyone needs to hear. - Corryen
The little boy was my favorite because it shows how we can start teaching our kids about consent. The play had so much meaning and I learned so much. - Camry
I am so impressed. It was amazing to watch. It resonated with me. People should be taught about equality and rape at a young age. - Alyssa
My favorite part was when she took the role of the Psychologist. The acting was so real. It was a great show. - Eric
The movement for Justice was my favorite. - Brianna
The lawyer was my favorite because she wants to help the movement. - Caden
I liked the political theater professor and how they brought light to the idea that bringing awareness to rape doesn't mean seeing it. You are a beautiful strong woman who is really making a difference by educating college campuses and students. - Milena
The protest was my favorite because it is important to put your thoughts to action. - Jalaun
The Daytrader was my favorite because he talked about the side of a male being raped. - Damon
The female speaker who organized the candlelit vigils - she drew me in the most. - B
The constant movement of the characters really helped me stay focused! - Ti
The use of props was really awesome. - Emily
I didn't have a favorite part because I enjoyed the whole play. I want to help educate other people. - KeAndrae
Sul Ross State University, TX
My favorite character was the Narrator because she tried to actually do something and make a change. - Brian, Freshman
My favorite character was the Daytrader because the character portrayed how a male feels when they are raped or sexually assaulted and not a lot of people know about that. - Mark, Junior
Reporter was my favorite because she explained times in history that rape wasn't being acknowledged. - Jaylen, Sophomore
I was shocked by the facts - all the facts of politicians and school sexual assaults - thank you. - Lily, Freshman
My favorite part is the protest and when you get the audience involved with chanting. We can't be silent about this anymore. - Amanda, Freshman
I enjoyed the Prosecutor because of the facts that I never knew. It opened my eyes. - Tye, Senior
I liked how it showed a lot of point of views. She was so passionate. - Alizandra, Sophomore
Educational and eye-opening. - Bailee, Junior
The Reporter was my favorite because they want to prove that many other people could stand up to this situation. - Jessica, Sophomore
My favorite part is when the Professor began speaking. Telling stories and giving statistics that are relevant are important. - Janelle, Senior
Favorite: Middle of the play - how everyone opened their eyes and realized the problem was never solved - the victims just stopped coming forward. - Vanessa, Sophomore
Opens my eyes to see what happens and to show I can be a better person. - Christopher, Freshman
When the Prosecutor was talking to the people in the courtroom, I felt like I was there. - Ozias, Sophomore
Favorite: The part with the Third grader because kids are even aware of what consent is. - Frank, Junior
This kind of performance is essential to understand all the perspectives of a social disease. Amazing. - Professor Trotman
I loved it. I hope you can come to my new school next year. - Sarah, Senior
Keeps the awareness updated. Don't stop! - Ralph, Freshman
Hawkeye Community College, IA
I found this really moving as someone who was raped when I was 3 years old and was changed before I even had a chance to begin life. Thank you for everything you do. - Ashlyn
Inspired me to treat women better. - Aquonn, Junior
The whole play was very well thought out. I thoroughly enjoyed the whole show and I wish for more people to see it. - Ty
Everything you said is so important. - Olivia, Freshman
The activist seemed like she was the one who cared the most. I also saw myself in her - I always want to do more but I never know what to do or have enough courage to do it. -Ashley
Very moving and educational. - Shane, Sophomore
The Narrator was my favorite - I wish I had someone in my life who would've marched for me. - Rachel
It hits home. People need to be informed about this. It inspired me to do more to make people aware. - Angelia, Junior
I loved this play - very powerful. - Jeny, Sophomore
I liked the fact that the kids are learning about all of this. Plus, it was funny! - Maima
This show was amazing. - Maritza
It reminded me of my 3 assaults. It makes you admit that it is not stopping. That just because it is not talked about doesn't mean it's not happening. - Lexi, Sophomore
Everyone had a voice - good, bad, indifference. Creativity in talking about these issues. Love this! - Kei-Che
My favorite was the drunk guy. Anyone can be a victim and people don't understand that sadly. Public awareness is so important. - Natalie, Sophomore
I loved the fact that Jenga was used to represent women's lives. Our lives can fall apart but we can pick the pieces back up again. - Casey
My favorite was the candle lighting because of the positive messages. - Nikki
Loved the historical and statistical info interwoven into the creative parts. - Lisa, Faculty
Favorite character was the Psychologist because she explained the possible causes of rape. Excellent. - Keishla
The politician talked about how men higher up in government still got elected even after talking about women and rape in an inappropriate way. Spoke really strong to me. - Brooke, Freshman
The school kid was my favorite because that's how I feel alot - like I'm out of the loop. Very fun to watch. - Lauren, Freshman
The Daytrader was extremely relatable as I've been in a scenario like that. - Noah
I loved the emotion change from character to character. - Adriana
My favorite was the protesting. It was awesome. - Jordan
The theatre professor was my favorite - you could tell she was educated and passionate. I love how you spread awareness. - Ainsley
It was scary to realize that this is considered a monetary and economical issue. - Robin
It was beautiful. Eye-opening and great lessons. - Ishara
My favorite was the man who mentioned his rape experience. I'm glad you showed a more male side as well. It had my full attention while educating myself. I loved it! - Anne
Winston-Salem State University, NC
Much needed on a college campus! - Deirdra
Favorite: daytrader - as a male, he came forth about being sexually assaulted. Educational and informative, touches on many perspectives. Amazing to say the least. - Aniya
Dickinson State University, ND
Brings to light un-talked about issues and makes people want to come to the future you envision - rapeless future. - Neville, Freshman
Empowering. - Hardika, Junior
I am a survivor of rape. Very touching and motivational. - LaiTelling these stories helps us all think about our actions. I appreciate being shown how we all perpetuate this system and how we can change. - JoeyMy favorite character is the student whose awareness about rape grew because as she was learning, so was I. - Karina
Winston-Salem State University, NC
Much needed on a college campus! - Deirdra
My favorit